Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Why I Love Baseball, Part V

It would be a guess on my part to say why some fans of sport dislike baseball. Let me speculate that the primary reason has to do with the pace of a ballgame. I have heard others complain that baseball is too slow. Personally, I could not disagree more. At least those haters have a rational explanation; because I can understand if you had no emotional connection whatsoever why a game appears crawling.

I love baseball because the game presents a slowly building drama that can usually be threaded from start to finish. There is no getting around the fact that the pace of play is torpid compared to other sports, but as a viewer, I am entertained in that I can see all the developing parts slowly coming together to a conclusion. A baseball game from start to finish tells a great story. Like a brilliantly written novel or a great movie, the audience experiences all the sub plots, character development, and conflict that excellent story telling provides.

I find it extremely enjoyable to manage along from my chair, trying to predict the outcome of an at-bat or decide when to bring in a new pitcher. The pace of the game allows for real time speculation and on the spot second guessing. Each inning is like a mini drama that connects to the previous one which finally comes to climax with slick glove work (6-4-3 double play) or an offensive explosion (3 run homer).

Whether watching a game from the ballpark or listening to a XM broadcast, it is probably the most relaxing activity I enjoy. During a game I have the time to think, analyze, draw conclusions and experience the script to a great story.


Rebecca said...

I just watch baseball for the cute guys.



Since I've been with Ed, I've not watched -- or listened -- to much baseball. Just working on other stuff, I guess.

I miss it.

I heard a few weeks ago that my beloved John Smoltz had signed with another team. (I'm repressing which team apparently.) I about cried. :(

I just saw that you added my blog to your sidebar. That's so kind of you. Thanks!

And what additional info do you want about my blog carnival? What is a blog carnival? What we're going to do at my blog carnival? Both?

Thanks for stopping by blog today. Seeing you there made me smile.

Anonymous said...

I've left about 3 comments here and they ne'r show'd up because I don't know how to close the deal...

I agree! I am a new fan of baseball and I used to think it was slow and boring. Keeping score at a game really opened my eyes--the game was going so fast I couldn't keep up. I had to quit the score card so I could relax and enjoy. The deeper I get the richer it gets. If only I had such an appreciation for baseball and old school country when we were roomies!