Saturday, December 19, 2009

On the 5th Day of Christmas...

Recently I have undergone some much needed self-examination and God has given me fresh insight on His plan for me. As a result I have developed a 5 year plan designed to keep me focused on obedience and productivity. I have always been a dreamer type, but there was a time not too long ago where my ability to think and act beyond the present was missing. What used to be wild dreams without much of a framework for realization has become a calculated blueprint of action that will lead me toward the things that matter most: people, purpose and productivity. That blueprint calls for investments, both big and small, in every area of my life. If I am obedient and focused then I should see and hear God as He stirs my heart and directs my path. I'm sure there will be changes in the blueprint along the way, but I am also sure that if there weren't then I would be following my plan instead of His.

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