Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Teacher's Week In NCH

Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week at Clovernook Elementary School. My wife, Hilary, and I have had an on-going conversation about being involved in the local schools where our kids attend so as to contribute toward a positive educational experience. So Hilary joined the PTA and volunteered to head up a campaign to honor the teachers and staff at Clovernook. I say "campaign" because that is what she made it, an over-the-top expression to say "thanks" for all the work and the care they display to our children.

Hilary did a wonderful job serving the educators and support staff. She had an advantage as a former teacher, knowing what teachers do and how best they would feel appreciated. She set up camp there all week serving breakfast and lunch each day. If you know Hilary you know she went all out as a hostess--no pre-packaged or pre-processed meals! She thoughtfully prepared whole meals with all the fixings. In addition, she had gifts to distribute and encouragement notes to deliver which made the week that much more meaningful. The combination of demonstrated service with considerate words is a powerful formula.

Hilary's efforts serving the school was fantastic but she did not work alone. The best part of the week was her ability to engage the North College Hill community. Local businesses rallied behind her effort to ensure the staff at Clovernook knew of their confidence and support. The majority of the food was donated and and all the gifts were supplied by these same, local businesses. Hilary organized a group of parents who volunteered to serve as recess monitors so the teachers could sit down and enjoy their already short lunch break. Teacher Appreciation Week was a community effort showcasing what it looks like when we serve one another.

The week of serving was a success all because of an outward focused attitude. The staff at Clovernook seemed genuinely overwhelmed with gratitude, and I imagine that the students in the classrooms also experienced a re-energized application of service to them. Hat tip to Hilary for giving us an example and leading us toward a selfless community lifestyle.

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