Sunday, May 10, 2009

Normal Heroics: A Tribute to My Mom

She stands five foot nothing with dark, rusty hair moderately curled and cut short to minimize the maintenance. The splattering of red freckles on her fair skin draws little attention to her petite frame, but she won't complain. The quiet, tender spirit she portrays is becoming for a mother like her. As features go, this woman would never be picked from a crowd. Her unassuming personality and blue collar work ethic makes her plain in a world where mystery, scandal and shameless self promotion separates the popular from unpopular.

She is a working professional who is smart enough to know when to leave one job in order to focus on another more important career. As a housewife and parent her daily energy was directed toward her home, children, and husband ensuring that homework was done, bellies were full, and beds were warm. Forfeiting the upper middle class "American dream" she exchanged the myth of financial security for the stability of traditional family values. The memories are vivid and rich, but noticeably absent are the fuss and drama of a person who is trying to live beyond her means.

She is a lady with few words but much insight. Do not mistake her silence for absence of ideas, thoughts or emotions. The anxiety and worry she owns she carries for those she loves, hoping for what is best. Most of the conversation is reserved for the Father to whom she offers these burdens. Those faithful days and nights of prayer have shaped her life and all those in it.

From the perspective of an outsider it may be said that there is nothing spectacular about who she is or what she has done. Normal seems to be a trait that is forgotten or overlooked, but a quality that she happily embodies. For those who know her best it is well known how truly special she is; without the pomp of worldly achievements and prestige. Her character and simple identity have created a stature that has, to date, reverberated to two generations. In these complicated days normal is like a gem found in cavernous terrain. Indeed she can be described as normal but do not take that as a slight. Normal, as embraced by my mom, is the cloth from which heroes are cut.

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