Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Days

This is day two of a wintry blast that has kept me inside. I am running out of things to do. There is only so much reading and animated movie watching (school was canceled and the kids needed entertainment so cut me some slack) I can mentally tolerate. So with the extra days, I've managed to play lots of Wii (please don't misunderstand), work a 300 piece puzzle, play Chutes & Ladders and Sorry!, try my hand at photography (see pics above and below) and shovel lots of snow.

These last two days have been both good and bad. I have enjoyed these relaxed days with my family. It has been a much needed retreat that I often neglect. With these days spent with my wife and children the good has far outweighed the bad. The laughs and hugs has every bit been worth the breach of routine.

Since my schedule has been destroyed the last two days the time has allowed for much more daily reading. This is good in that I am thoroughly enjoying Hague's biography on Wilberforce. But with more time means more reflection, and I shouldn't prolong the inner dialogue with myself. This usually means that my search for contentment intensifies and satisfaction for how I'm living my life wanes. Reading about William Wilberforce and living in a world of sorrow makes me want to do something big and important. Sometimes I wonder, "Is this all there is for me?" Don't get me wrong. I love my life; my family and friends. I'm not so sure I love my place in this world. It's just that I'm mostly not convinced that I'm living up to my potential. I dream and wonder about how I could make a greater contribution and then am reminded of (seemingly) my limitations. My mind gets all twisted up and so it is difficult to flesh all of this out. We have a rule in our house about speaking nonsense, so I must obey and stop now.

Well I'm off to the Winter X Games, er I mean outside to shovel snow and chip ice off my car!

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