Friday, January 28, 2011

Trash To Treasure Segment

My brilliant wife had a brilliant idea a few weeks ago.  Typical.  I can't get it out of my mind.

You see, she has always wanted a king sized bed.  Our bedroom space has never been large enough for such an item.  A couple of years back, we (she) re-assigned our bedrooms to give us the kind of space we have never had before.  Our mid-western style cape cod has an attic room which is roughly the size of the living room and kitchen combined.  We took the attic as the master suite while the kids share rooms on the main level.

Immediately, visions of royalty entered Hilary's mind as she sensed her wait for a king soon would be over.  Little did either of us know that getting the queen up to the castle would be a great challenge.  In fact, without the help of a neighbor we would still be in the normal sized bedroom we once occupied.

Mattresses are large and heavy, but spongy and flexible.  It was no problem folding that thing in half and hoisting it up the flight of stairs to the attic.  The box springs--now, that is a different proposition.  A rectangular frame made from wood does not go straight up the stairs at that angle.  Long story short, my neighbor helped me decide what horizontal segment of the frame to saw in half in order to get the "flex" we needed to beat the awkward angle created by the steepness of the staircase and the doorframe.  After a couple of hours wrestling with this thing, I was convinced that there was no way a king sized bed was going to happen.

Back to present, I am now convinced that Hilary has not stopped thinking about how to get her coveted king.  She read somewhere about a person who made their own bed out of loading pallets.  Yes, those wood frames that fork lift drivers use to move freight around quickly.  They stack up quickly outside of warehouses and grocery stores.  She told me I ought to make her a king sized bed out of these.

It really is a great idea.  Smile.

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