Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Theory as Strong as Newton's

A long held theory became as strong and unwavering as any Newton ever devised and proved. Let's call it the "red shirt-wedding" theory.

This past weekend, the family gathered in Bridgeport, Connecticut for my brother-in-law's wedding. Because of the culture of that part of the country and its particular style, I was afraid my theory would crash and burn. My theory states that every wedding has at least one guy who wears a red dress shirt. Coat and tie are irrelevant details and the actual red color can be any variation.

Even my brother-in-law, who is aware of my research and generally supports the theory, was in doubt about its success. The whole wedding party and close friends were instructed to be on the lookout for the "red shirt guy." This theory was discussed all week leading up to the wedding and all of us were preparing for a big let down.

I gladly report with exuberance that upon arrival at the church, I did not even have to get out of the car to see the "red shirt" guy. He had arrived just ahead of me and was standing in the doorway. Touchdown! There are times when I don't spot this person until the reception, but not this time. As as aside, just so you don't think this occurrence is a fluke, another red shirt guy appeared at the reception. Bonus!

Please don't congratulate me for research well completed. Anyone could have done it; it only takes a vision and a little hard work. With a dream and a plan, you too can discover a whole new world.


Katie T. said...

Ha,ha,ha...ha, this cracks me up. After hearing your theory many years ago, Thang and I are still on the lookout for "the red shirt guy" at every wedding we attend!

Hilary Henson said...

You're good, babe! Who knew your insight would be appreciated by so many others concerning such an important and weighty theory?! :)