Wednesday, April 15, 2009

RESET: On Church

It has been a good six weeks, a period of RESET. The first part is over now, evaluating what was known or understood and realizing there may be misunderstanding, erroneous ideas shaped by culture, or simply ignorance. The next step is re-knowing or learning for the first time those issues of Christian faith that are important in managing life. This secondary step may be the most difficult as the surrounding culture seems to communicate a message that is appealing but short-sighted and counter to God's plan, even under the best of intentions at times. I may try to unpack that later with another, separate post.

This it the last post in the RESET series and it ends with the church, a topic that has become a hot button for me the last several years. So for the sake of positive productivity and practicing a value my father always communicated, "If you can't say something nice then don't say it at all.", I will not say anything. Click here for the weekend message by Joe Boyd at Vineyard Community Church. He is a good teacher who communicates important spiritual truths in deep ways without theological snobbery or irrelevant, religious application. Joe says it much better than I ever could.

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