I have heard it said many times that the best art, music and writing is born from the depths of despair and utter darkness. Is this true? I admit that my favorite books and music are produced by authors and singer/songwriters that have history. C.S. Lewis was an atheist. Johnny Cash was an addict. I think there is something to this, mainly because I'm drawn into their stories and perspectives. Even though these insights can be sorrowful and depressing, they're real. That's why I want to keep listening or reading even though strong emotions and memories come. I can identify with what the creator is showcasing because I've felt those feelings. I can relate to Lewis with my own doubts and questions. The perspectives and beliefs Johnny describes in his songs are not too unlike my own or those around me.
I have been absent from this blog for sometime. I've considered why this is so. My motivation for writing has waned. I do have some other things going on and that is apart of it, but I believe there is more. I am going through a really good time in my life right now. Purpose is as clear now as it has ever been. Some of the broken pieces of my life are being understood and adjustments are being made. This is good. It's work but the good kind. My creative energy is being dispersed in other areas and I don't feel motivated to bare all in this forum. It's fine though really. Because all along I've said that this blog is mostly for me to process and reflect. Writing is therapeutic for me. Right now, I don't need therapy.