Friday, January 27, 2012

What Is Your Perfect Day?

Many of you are off and running with your personal goals for the new year.  With only 27 days in, the motivation and focus is still fairly strong.  Soon it will be February.

Learning from other baseball instructors as well as from personal development/leadership reading, one way to stay on track is to visualize success.  This is just a simple exercise of imagining what it would be like to lose 20 lbs. or to stop smoking.  The key to this visualization is to get lost in the details.  Day dreaming is acceptable after all!

As for me, I like to think about what a perfect day would look like.  Follow me to the land of make believe and see what I visualize for a day like today in the dead of winter.

7:00 am -- rise and shine
7:30 -- coffee and devotional reading and study
8:00 -- breakfast (my fav is a goetta omellet)
8:30 -- creating (networking, reading, writing, planning)
10:30 -- workout
noon -- lunch (i love leftovers from the night before)
1:00 pm -- office, managing my business
3:00 -- team practice (baseball starts early)
5:00 -- supper (Have you seen Hilary's meals?!)
6:00 -- family time
9:00 -- wifey time
10:30 -- bed

Now you try it.  I am a firm believer in writing this stuff down.  The action of writing takes abstract thoughts and shapes them into tangible ideas.

What is your perfect day?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Loosen The Clogs of Pattern

One of my goal for this new year is to learn better how to pray; rather, to better connect with God.  Since I write as a hobby, I thought writing prayers may be a fresh approach to a sacred practice.  As you read these, please know that God is my intended audience.  I have prayed these words over and over.  I publish these here as a secondary act; praying that maybe some of you may connect with God.

Loosen The Clogs of Pattern

Where to begin Lord, I do not know.
Prayer sounds simple yet it is so hard.
The words do not come, my mind locks up tight.
My best it seems are words lazy and rote.
Why can't I converse like you are right in the room?
I have learned you are here and believe it is true.

I want to experience my moments with you.
Lord, let me get lost in my sharing.
I am feeling and thinking so much --
plans, dreams, questions, frustrations, failures.
You know it all, but in delivery I am bound.
This is foolish not knowing what to say.

Early on I learned to pray a certain way.
Formula and form were impressions of correctness.
Now I am trying to know you deeper,
and talking casually, strangely is not easier.
Pen to paper may loosen the clogs of my pattern.
Lord, please know, my heart is open.
